A Cinderella Story

Seth Jones
9 min readMar 10, 2019
I went there.

In a time of great change, we’re entering a new era of humanity with LGBTQ rights and woman being empowered using Feminism movements. It has evolved humanity into an era further ahead in moral liberties than any civilization before. This means we’re now going to shift our entire culture to fit this new environment. There’s obviously going to be a lot of people who hate it, but I feel like the future is always brighter if you think positively.

Woman and men are having the most trouble getting into relationships in the Millineal Generation, because men are cowards and woman are harder to attract due to increasing demands of their partner. This all ties into Masculine and Feminine energies. Many men are becoming less Masculine and more Feminine. You could even say with having more freedom, woman are starting to shift to having more Masculine characteristics as well.

Typically, woman are attracted to Masculine energy where men are attracted to Feminine energy. When we’re talking about energy levels, opposites do attract. For example, a partner who is more Masculine is going to prefer a partner that is more Feminine.

Law of Attraction

Love is grand.

The most basic form of attraction, is to give someone what they want and they will be drawn to you naturally. Being positive will draw in positive people into your life as a good example. There are many ways to draw in people, being funny or comedic is a good way to lower the guard of someone — to break the ice.

In terms of the perfect soul mate, girls have an image in their head — a fantasy or an idea of a perfect mate which is in their subconscious. This has to be fulfilled in order for true loyalty in a relationship. When someone is attracted to you at a subconscious level, their conscious brain can’t really override it at-least until you change or make them not like you.

Also, there is a lot of girls who don’t really imagine a perfect relationship, but there are some that do. Although, every girl has a really strong story or desire, that will have the same effect as if a girl is actively looking for a specific fantasy. This is due to how the female brain works, it is more imaginative than male brains. A good example of a fantasy is the Millennial generation: they have the Prince Charming fantasy. Additionally, the sparkle in the eye of a girl is essentially a strong connection, that sparkle is actually them living in a state of happiness, joy and showing a really strong emotional bond. These connections are rare and most partners don’t have them. They also may not last very long, it all depends on how good the connection is and how well it is kept.

I am also not advocating that you trick a girl into thinking you are something you are not, but you can change yourself internally if you desire to, to fulfill these desires. For example, if the girl wants a special look from you to fulfill the desire you can do that. The hard part is knowing what turns her on, and fulfilling the fantasy for her. It isn’t about being a Beta by doing that, is only a Beta when you let the girl control you. Also, don’t ever change your ambitions or desires for the girl — just like she should never be forced to change them for you.

A good tip of advice is to maintain distance in the relationship and ensure that you don’t get too attached or needy. The less attached and dependent you are in a relationship, the more attractive you are to the girl. Females were designed evolutionary to select a mate for a long-term relationship, so it is why their behavior reflects this and many guys don’t understand it very well. Essentially, Alpha males are more suitable mates since they are capable of being independent and not requiring the female to remain stable. Also, Alpha males are more balanced than being a player. Players are more Masculine than an Alpha, so much so that they are self-centered. The Alpha male must use their left and right brain evenly. This means you must be able to be emotional and strong at the same time.


Relationships require work and aren’t ever perfect.

Woman are important partners for men and actually not just a sex object like many men think. This is due to a long time where men didn’t really consider that woman were equals or rather capable of doing the same job as they do, this is obviously going to take time to get used to. It wasn’t until technology came along, that woman were really able to do all the work a man could do. There was a reason men were breadwinners for such a long time. Working without machinery or technology, farming all day and grinding manual labor was not something a woman typically could handle. I am sure a lot of woman could work these jobs, but the effectiveness they were worth was much lower than a male worker. Although, as less manual intensive jobs were created it made human rights change for woman in society. They had a voice in a time where they were voiceless.

Woman are companions to improve men and make them better versions of themselves as well as make woman better versions of themselves. Although, before the Millennial Generation there wasn’t really this giant of a demand from woman for their partner. This is the first time in history that men actually are complaining about it as well. What I mean by this is, a lot of men don’t understand woman’s new demands and are resorting to marrying woman overseas that are more easily understood. This is mainly due to the aspect of how woman are acting now, it is confusing for a man to really talk to a woman when they have this new mentality.

The best you have is the weakest of you two. The idea is both partners are supposed to continually improve each other and reduce their flaws, over time they become better people. There are a lot of issues though, over time men and woman quit sleeping together, cheat with another partner and various other reasons due to men becoming less attractive. They become less attractive due to age as well as becoming more Feminine since they lose their friends, ambitions and other aspects of life that made them more Masculine. In terms of healthy relationships, it is almost always wise to keep your distance and not be too reliant on validation from her. If your world is validated by her, your environmental forces will shape who you are and will make you more like her. Over time, you will lose who you were when she fell in love with you.

So, this is just the next step in relationships that most guys just don’t know how to deal with yet. It is our turn to change our behaviors to adapt to these higher demands woman are asking for.

Prince Charming

Your dream guy.

This is a new concept in today’s millennial generation. The man becomes a Prince when the Princess motivates the man to become the Prince. A lot of these girls actually do understand this, they want a man who is adaptable and very flexible. If a man changes to be better when he’s around you and in turn is more attractive as a result: you know he’s your Prince. I also want to state that listening to the girl at every whim, is not attractive and will not make her your Princess. You have to actually be somewhat interesting and unpredictable. By unpredictable I mean, keep it fresh and don’t slack. Relationships require a lot of work, but the man is supposed to motivate the woman to actually participate. If the man doesn’t do that, the woman doesn’t have any energy to feed from. This is why a lot of marriages end up in divorce, because the couples fall distant very fast and end up hating each other. Most likely due to issues steaming from a bad match or worse — bad usage of their own energy and having bad intimacy together as a couple.

Prince Charming basically takes care of the woman and all her problems, including sexual fantasies and desires. Although, as evolution has taught us anything — woman may be wanting the next level of companionship that doesn’t exist in most males yet. Maybe our culture has become so free, that females feel like this guy does exist since they are so wanted by so many guys, but they need to consider if they are actually a Princess? A Princess is a dignified woman who holds extremely high moral standards and character. If they are a Princess and a great person, they may be able to find this Prince Charming. If not, I do not think they will since a man like this is going to have extremely high standards himself. Not unless, they really happen to motivate a guy to believing in the same fantasy as them. Lucky for them, some guys are willing to do that if they are educated on what woman want. The tricky part is if they can maintain it over a long relationship. Guys are always chasing girls, adapting our minds around their fantasies and desires. At-least now we can figure out what they truly want.

I will do whatever you need.

To become the Prince you must become a true companion to the Princess — this partner is more or less your best friend and adventures with you. The Prince must also not be a boy, basically boys are men who are motivated by their Feminine side which is what girls are not attracted toward. Some men are right in the middle, they can get girls just not keep them.

A real issue is if the Princess doesn’t fancy you anymore; you quit having sex and your entire world fails over night. This is a slippery slop for the guy who invested so much to make the fantasy a reality — he will quit being motivated to be a better version of himself and lusting after you, while being the Prince as well. When that happens, he starts to transform into a Beta or cheats on you, then you get divorced. That’s life in a nutshell.


Just happened to find her by accident.

What comes down to it is that many guys don’t understand how girls think. They are mysterious to guys since, we both use different parts of our brains to covey messages and generally think a lot different — more than we probably know. Although, with experience and understanding of the brain, we can grasp onto how they think just by using what we know.

What woman want is not to fulfill some imaginary fantasy, they just associate the fantasy with what they want. For example, the Prince Charming fantasy is more or less, an abstraction from a guy who goes on adventures with them and is very responsible, flexible and generally as close to perfect as they can get.


This is not to offend anyone intentionally, it is just to help guys understand this new generation of woman.



Seth Jones

Learn from your elders, stand on the shoulders of giants— stay true to your own soul and ambitions above all else.